
Have You Signed for Florida's Water and Land Legacy Petition Yet?

Protecting our waters, cherished natural areas and wildlife are fundamental to a healthy and vibrant Florida. That’s why Audubon Florida is working with Florida’s Water and Land Legacy Campaign to place a critical conservation amendment on the November 2014 ballot.

We need to gather 550,000 more signatures from Florida voters in the next 5 months. Will you help us reach that goal by signing a petition today?

The amendment allocates less than one percent of our state budget to fund conservation—which is the least we can do to protect Florida’s natural treasures.

Add your voice to the more than 150,000 Florida voters who’ve already signed the petition.

Please take a moment to sign the petition for Florida’s Water and Land Conservation Amendment today.

Each petition is a message from a Florida voter who cares deeply about protecting what's best about living here: miles of beaches, beautiful parks, crystal clear springs, endless opportunities to swim, bike and fish, and an amazing diversity of plants and animals. We must take a stand to protect Florida's natural heritage!

You can also help by spreading the word!  

  • Share this email with at least five friends and invite them to sign the petition.
  • Let your Facebook and Twitter friends and followers know that they can get the petition online

We know how much you care about protecting clean water, restoring vital natural areas, and safeguarding our springs and other magnificent treasures for future generations. That’s why we know we can count on you not only to sign the petition, but to spread the word and urge more Floridians to take action for Florida’s future.

Please visit Florida’s Water and Land Legacy website to learn more about the campaign and sign up to volunteer today. Florida needs your help, and together we will create an environmental legacy we can all be proud of!

P.S. And if you haven’t already, please consider volunteering with Florida’s Water and Land Legacy Campaign. Gathering signatures with other volunteers is the most effective way you can help us reach the finish line and ensure that the amendment makes it to the ballot!

Paid political advertisement paid for and provided in-kind by Audubon Florida, 308 North Monroe Street, Tallahassee, FL 32301

How you can help, right now