
Audubon Voices Concern Over Military Training in Blackwater River and Tate's Hell State Forests

Audubon Florida has weighed in with comments on the U.S. Air Force proposal to conduct extensive military training exercises in Blackwater River State Forest and Tate’s Hell State Forest, two important areas of wildlife habitat in Northwest Florida. Among many other species, these sites contain prime habitat for the endangered Red-cockaded Woodpecker.

For about a year the Air Force has been developing a plan for use of the state forests including aircraft, motorized vehicles, and troop movements. The proposal also includes the location of “emitter” sites, which are stations for electronic facilities that require a clear “line of sight”, which could mean removal of a swath of forest vegetation.  The Air Force proposals can be seen in detail by clicking here.

While military training operations may be compatible with disturbed areas in Blackwater River State Forest and Tate’s Hell State Forest, Audubon is concerned that the proposal as currently described may be too disruptive for the habitat and traditional public use and enjoyment of these ecologically valuable sites.

Please see Audubon’s comments by clicking here.

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