
WMFE Audio: Turn Water into a Cash Crop

Audubon Florida has been working for over two years to promote projects that store and cleanse water on ranchlands north of Lake Okeechobee. The concept, known as “Dispersed Water Management” and  “Water Farming” has been supported by the South Florida Water Management District through a program that solicits proposals from landowners for the construction of projects.

Charles Lee, Director of Advocacy for Audubon Florida says “Its time to ramp up this program, give it some real basin wide reach by planning, and engineering projects where they do the most good and provide the most benefit for each dollar spent."

Audubon has called on the South Florida Water Management District to both increase the planning and engineering effort for the program and increase the funding.

Click here to listen to the audio report from WMFE radio on Rafter T Ranch and learn the benefits to water management and the environment that “Turning water into a cash crop” can achieve.

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