It began in early June when they met for their annual planning retreat. They made “Vote YES on 1” their number one goal and devised a strategy focusing their efforts on the 3 months leading up to the November 4 vote.
August was a month for educating members and voters. For their August program they invited Audubon Florida’s Tabitha Cale to speak on the importance of passage of Amendment 1 for the future of Florida. Eighty members attended, had plenty of time for questions, and left really excited about Florida’s Water and Land Legacy Campaign. The chapter bought several hundred “Vote YES on 1” buttons that were distributed that evening to members who agreed to wear them every day until the election. 70 went out that night and people were good to their word, they started appearing around town.
September was a month to get the word out. The September KITE newsletter devoted one full page to the campaign which was reprinted by a number of other organizations. They took advantage of local festivals to hand out literature and of course, buttons! Even a casual conversation at the market or gas station often resulted in the exchange of information and the gift of a button. The buttons prompted people to approach the wearers, and it was an easy sell.
In October, County Commissioner Paulette Burdick came to ASE general meeting and encouraged everyone to vote for the Amendment. The group loved having their picture taken signaling “Vote Yes on 1” with the Commissioner and used it form their continued promotion of the Amendment.
During a congratulatory call to Audubon Society of the Everglades, President Paton White shared her excitement. “Our campaign was easy, fun and united our members in a common cause!" While Audubon Society of the Everglades may not have been solely responsible for Palm Beach County’s astounding 85% support there is no doubt that their efforts paid off.
They have a great deal to be proud of.
By Jonathan Webber
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