Lisa Korte, PhD, is the Director at Audubon’s Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary. Lisa is a wildlife conservationist with expertise in tropical forests and biodiversity.
After graduation from Cornell University, she pursued an African experience as a Peace Corps Volunteer in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Living in a remote village for two years, Lisa learned to speak the Kikongo language and provided technical assistance to subsistence level fish farmers. After Peace Corps, Lisa returned to the United States to work with the Africa Program of Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS).
She earned a Master of Science degree in Wildlife Conservation and Ecology from the University of Florida.
As a graduate student, Lisa studied the spatial and social organization of buffalo at Lopé National Park in Gabon. After completing her Ph.D. at Michigan State University, Dr. Korte served as a Foreign Affairs Officer in the Office of Central African Affairs at the U.S. Department of State. Her portfolio focused on policy, including conservation of the Congo Basin Forest. Based in Gabon, Lisa spent six years as the Director of the Smithsonian Institution’s Gabon Biodiversity Program, overseeing and implementing conservation, research, and education projects. Moving from Gabon to Liberia, Lisa spent two years as the Natural Resources Management Team Lead with the United States Agency for International Development.
When not observing wildlife, Lisa enjoys walking her dog, biking, reading, and hiking in the forest and on the beach.