
2024 Summer Naturalist - Letter from Board Chair Heidi McCree

Working together is a hallmark of many avian species. They pair up to raise their chicks, sound the alarm when predators are spotted, and some species even nest in large colonies so dozens or even hundreds of eyes can be on the lookout for disturbance. They feed in groups, flit amidst the trees in mixed flocks, and migrate together over vast distances.

Like the birds, we at Audubon Florida pride ourselves on our commitment to partnering with government agencies, elected officials, nonprofit organizations, and passionate community members to protect birds and the places they need. We record bird bands to contribute to regional science studies (page 4), work with partners to monitor sea and shorebirds (page 11), bring together land managers and researchers to discuss 21st century environmental issues (page 12), and applaud chapters as they commit their efforts to conservation and restoration (page 15). We know that as an environmental movement to improve quality of life for wildlife and people, we are stronger together.

Consider flocking with us again this year at our annual Assembly in Daytona Beach November 7-9. Thank you for your support of our mission and we hope to see you there!

Click here to read the full 2024 Summer Naturalist magazine.

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