
Governor Crist Vetos Florida Forever Budget Cuts

Florida Forever acquisitions represent some of Florida's most characteristic and unique wild landscapes. © Larry Korhnak

This afternoon, Audubon applauded Governor Charlie Crist’s veto of budget cuts to the state’s conservation land buying program, Florida Forever. In special session, the Legislature recently slashed the 2008-09 funding for the program, freezing even those land deals already approved by the Governor and Cabinet. The Governor’s signature was the last hurdle to these cuts becoming law.

“Governor Crist’s veto sends an important message that conservation remains among the state’s top priorities,” said Eric Draper, Deputy Director of Audubon of Florida. “It’s easier to be an environmentalist in prosperous times,” he added. “But the true measure of environmental commitment is the priority placed on these programs during lean times. This veto just reinforces Governor Crist’s environmental credentials.”

Last week the Governor expressed concerns that cuts to Florida Forever could set a dangerous precedent for future funding of the program, breaking Florida’s 30-year commitment of annual appropriations to preserving Florida’s special places. Florida is at the forefront of the nation’s land protection efforts and continues to serve as a model for other states. Governor Crist's veto restores the cut Florida Forever program for fiscal year 2008-09.

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