Hooray! The proposal to temporarily close nineteen state parks and transfer another three to the agencies that hold title to them was not included in the Governor's budget. Under his budget scenario, all 22 would remain open as Florida State Parks. State Park admission fees are an incredible bargain, oftentimes providing a full day's entertainment for a carload of eight people for a meager $4. Audubon and other state park supporters have long advocated for bringing these admission fees into the 21st century, and it appears that our efforts have paid off: modest park increases likely to go into effect by July would offset the cost of the 22 parks, buffering them from cuts.
Read Audubon’s letters to Governor Crist:
1. Letter to Governor Crist regarding proposed temporary closure of 22 State Parks.
2. Letter to Governor Crist urging modest fee increases at State Parks to help meet budget shortfall.