
Beach Seaweed Has Its Purpose

And that purpose is NOT to pose as an eyesore. Instead, that seaweed is bringing life to those beaches, which would otherwise be devoid of it. Beach wrack, consisting of sea grass, reeds and algae, offers sanctuary to some creatures and lunch to others, serving as the key foundation of a food chain in the relative desert of the sandy beach.  “Many might think sand makes a beach, but it’s the wrack that truly brings a beach to life,” said Blair Witherington, a Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) biologist who studies beach life. As beach wrack and seaweed are so vital to the healthy functioning of beach ecosystems, it makes no sense to machine-rake beaches simply for aesthetic purposes. Not only does beach raking seriously harm coastal wildlife, it costs taxpayers money. In essence then, taxpayers pay to help destroy their local ecosystems. It is time to view beach seaweed differently. Wrack is supposed to be there. Instead of trying to rid the beach of it, look at what it has to offer. Afterall, “A beach without wrack is like a gallery without art,” Witherington said.

FWC news release on the importance of beach wrack.

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