
Water Bill Hangs Public Out to Dry

Commentary by Lauren Ritchie at the Orlando Sentinel:

All three of Lake County's state legislators, Sen. Carey Baker and Reps. Alan Hays and Marlene O'Toole, in a stunning slap at American principles of government and a betrayal of public trust, voted for a bill that would allow the St. Johns River Water Management District to give away as much water as it wants and to make that decision behind closed doors. Starting July 1, decisions about who gets the remains of this dwindling natural resource and for what purpose would be made in private by a bureaucrat or his or her underlings. Taxpayers would have neither the right to speak before the governing board of the district nor the right to appeal.

Continuing reading the article and/or urge Governor Crist to veto the bill, SB 2080.

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