
Audubon Fights for the Everglades, Yet Water Managers Fear Litigation

The South Florida Water Management District (District) has decided to placate water-thirsty utilities and nurseries.  Several of these entities, in South Florida, have threatened to sue the District should it make two day-a-week landscape irrigation a permanent conservation rule.  South Florida has been watering its lawns for two days-a-week, at most, for over two years.  Despite Audubon’s leadership and vigorous advocacy in favor of the two day-a-week rule, the District’s Governing Board will soon vote to adopt a rule that allows landscape irrigation three days-a-week.  Audubon will continue to advocate for water conservation as an essential tool to protecting the sustainability of our freshwater resources for the benefit of the Everglades and essential water needs.

Articles and Editorials on the Landscape Irrigation Rule:

Palm Beach Post Article: Water managers ponder relaxing sprinkler limits for 5 years, despite calls for conservation

Sun Sentinel Article: Watering rules could roll back to three days per week

Miami Herald Editorial: Limit lawn sprinkling all year long

Palm Peach Post Editorial: Watering rule: No surrender

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