
Coastal Oil Drilling is Dirty, Dangerous & Ugly

Say 'No' to Lifting the Ban on Crude Oil in Florida's Coastal Waters

We need your help. Please make a donation to underwrite the campaign, write your legislators and write your local newspaper.

That's right – Dirty, Dangerous and Ugly.  And a secretive group of Texas oilmen is greasing the Legislature to open Florida’s coastline to oil rigs, pipelines, storage tanks and processing.  Florida has long banned oil leases in state waters.  Now, armed with scores of lobbyists and barrels of political money, the oilmen have persuaded some state legislators to go along with their plans to open our coastal waters for oil and gas production.

The threat to Florida's beautiful beaches, seagrass beds and coral reefs cannot be overstated.  If the drillers get their way our coastal environment will give way to the largest industrial assault outside the third world because we have no rules in place to guard against the environmental impacts of extracting crude oil from the beneath our coastal waterways.  The threat to Florida's robust coastal economy cannot be overstated. Florida's coastline could be lined with drilling platforms, pipelines, storage tanks and processing plants.  There are no rules in place to keep this from happening if the ban against drilling for crude oil in Florida’s coastal waters is lifted.

Your voice can make the difference.  Your actions can make the difference. That is why all Floridians should take a stand today – to protect our coasts and protect our coastal economy.  Audubon, working with other conservation groups, is supporting the campaign to Protect Florida's Beaches.

We need your help. Please make a donation to underwrite the campaign, write your legislators and write your local newspaper.

How you can help, right now