
State of the Everglades Report: December 2009

Read this edition of the Restore that reports on the state of the Everglades. The report is broken up into regions:

Southeast Everglades

Bridging Tamiami Trail Opens the Way to Wildlife Abundance in the Everglades

Florida Bay One Step Closer to Increased Flows

Southwest Florida

A Victory for All Supporters of Save Our Swamp

Picayune Strand Receives Major Federal Funding for CERP Construction

Northern Everglades, Lake Okeechobee and the Everglades Agricultural Area

Planning Efforts to Restore the River of Grass

Audubon Recommends Strong Rules to Control Sewage Sludge

Audubon Wins Battle Over Proposed Landfill Near Water Treatment Marsh

Federal & State Partnership

Federal Government Steps up Funding for Everglades Restoration

Water Managers Approve 2010 Budget for Everglades Restoration Activities

Federal and State Governments Sign Important Everglades Restoration Agreement

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