
Latest Raptor Flew to Email Inboxes Around the State and Beyond

Audubon Center for Birds of Prey

Florida Raptor News, February 2010

Welcome to Audubon Center for Birds of Prey Florida Raptor News!   This quarterly publication will inform you on activities, programs and events with Audubon Center for Birds of Prey.  We invite you to share with other friends, birders and conservationists the exciting events and opportunities going on in Central Florida.

In This Issue:

•  Heading Into 2010

•  Species Spotlight

•  Check Out What's New at the Center

•  Events & Programs

•  TogetherGreen Volunteer Days

•  Volunteer Corner

•  Get Out and Get Birding!

Open up and read the latest Raptor. To receive the Raptor automatically and freely, consider signing up with Audubon's Florida Conservation Network. You can choose only to receive the Raptor from the Center of Birds of Prey, but you can also choose to receive information and alerts from several other publications that deal with Florida conservation issues and Everglades restoration.

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