
Floridians: Everglades Restoration Critical to Strong Economy and Clean Water

Earlier this week, the Everglades Foundation released the results of a public opinion poll conducted by The Tarrance Group that showed widespread opposition to significant reductions in funding for Everglades restoration.

Additionally, Floridians are more likely to support Everglades restoration due to the fact that one in three of our citizens depend directly on the Greater Everglades Ecosystem for their daily supply of freshwater - a fact that Floridians believe is crucial to attracting new businesses and jobs to our state.

At the press event, Everglades Foundation CEO Kirk Fordham remarked:

"Our message to the Governor is: you can partner with the conservation community to create jobs and protect our water supply at the same time"

To analyze the findings for yourself, check out the following links:

As we move into this year's legislative session, Audubon is as committed as ever to working with our friends at the Everglades Foundation and our Audubon Everglades Advocates from across our great state to ensure the long-term health of our one-of-a-kind ecosystem. You can help right now:  sign up for Restore, our free Everglades eNewsletter, today!

Audubon of Florida Executive Director Eric Draper was on-hand at the Foundation's press release - please see our video from their valuable presentation below.

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