
Florida's Special Places: Orman House Historic State Park

Once again, Audubon supporter Lucy Tobias submits another wonderful entry for Florida's Special Places, this time from Orman House Historic State Park in Apalachicola:

"How much time do you have?" Park Services Specialist Mike Kinnett asks. We are at Orman House Historic State Park in Apalachicola and Kinnett gives guided tours.

Thomas Orman had this antebellum home built in 1838. Orman wanted to impress people, wine and dine them and wheel and deal over dessert. He was a broker - buying slaves, exporting cotton, whatever cargo worked.

Room by room we walk through a vibrant time in Apalachicola's history. With a flourish, Kinnett turns back a bed comforter to show wood inserted into the rail to make the bed longer. Orman stood 6' 7'' tall.

Kinnett loves telling these tales. In 2009 he was named District 1 Interpreter of the Year.

History is a small slice of the Florida tourist trade - for example, 3,744 people visited Orman last year, but Kinnett looks at the bigger picture and the economics are there.

"Orman and John Gorrie Museum (both state parks in Apalachicola) are 'lost leaders'. It is a little like the bottle of soda that sells for .99 cents at the convenience store. That is a 'loss leader' but when you go in, you buy other things. We could build our future on history travel."

The Friends of Franklin County Parks CSO agree. Three years ago Orman House became a party place again with a Christmas function that drew 300 paying guests. Proceeds benefited the park. Now this party is an annual tradition. More ideas are underway to increase visitors and revenue.

"We are just getting started," says Jan Thomas, a CSO volunteer at Orman. "There is a new spirit of 'being on fire' with our community heritage."

Both John Gorrie Museum and Orman House are on the list of 53 parks once proposed to be closed.

That is incomprehensible to Jenny Billings who works at A Garden Spot in Apalachicola. "We can't do without these parks, this community would be without a body part."

Orman House Historic State Park, along with the adjoining Chapman Botanical Garden and Three Soldiers Detail are today's nominee for Florida's Special Places.

Is there a signup list for the Christmas party at Orman House? I want to come back and stay a few days.

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