
Florida's Special Places: Crosby Sanctuary in Orange Park

This update to Florida's Special Places comes from Carly Wainwright, President of Duval Audubon Society who writes about Audubon's Northeast Florida Regional Conservation Committee adoption of Crosby Sanctuary as one of their special places! Enjoy:

Duval Audubon Society recently hosted our Northeast Florida Regional Conservation Committee at one of our special places, Crosby Sanctuary in Orange Park. Since it was also Invasive Species Week, we met at the property to participate in an annual air potato roundup.

The Sanctuary is mostly forested wetlands connected to large riparian corridors in this nearly 400 acre tract surrounded by development. Our group discussed the pros and cons of a nonprofit managing a tract of land this size. Maintaining an active group of volunteers and acquiring funding to manage the property are an ongoing challenge. Our main focus has been ridding the property of invasives in an effort to improve the habitat.

As we walked along the path, Monique Borboen saw a deer cross. Then we heard some flapping of wings among the bald cypress in the wetlands and saw three Wood Ducks. Northern Flickers, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Golden-crowned Kinglet, a host of warblers - the list continues. But wait! We weren't there for birding, but to collect air potatoes. Our total collection this year was just 16 pounds compared to 400 pounds last year. Perhaps we are finally getting a handle on them!

This special place is presently open twice a month. The first Saturday for hiking or birding and the last Saturday as a work day. For more information, check our web site:

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