Volunteers worked with local, state, and federal governments to safeguard nests in their communities.
Bald Eagles often use cell phone towers as nesting sites. Photo: P. L. Carrillo.
The Voice of Conservation in Florida
For more than a century Audubon has encouraged people to take care of the places that make Florida special. Using science to guide our priorities and birdlife to measure ecosystem health, Audubon advocates for the protection of land, water, and wildlife. Audubon is Florida’s most influential conservation organization and conducts extensive work to protect the Everglades and coastal bird habitats. We manage sanctuaries covering thousands of acres along with two popular nature centers. Audubon promotes stewardship and appreciation of public land and water so people experience and cherish Florida’s natural beauty and wildlife.
The completion of the Lakeside Ranch Stormwater Treatment Area this summer is a major step in cleaning water flowing into Lake Okeechobee, and making strides towards restoring this critical ecosystem.
The C-44 canal was first dredged in 1923 to divert flood water from Lake Okeechobee to the St. Lucie estuary. It has taken decades and millions of dollars of funds to restore the C-44 area.
Audubon Florida, Audubon Western Everglades, and Florida Wildlife Federation objected to the expansion onto conservation lands and collaborated with all the public land management agencies to communicate their collective concerns with mosquito treatment of these public lands to the Board.
Located in the city of Maitland and the Town of Eatonville, this urban environmental Audubon Center focuses on the rescue, medical treatment, rehabilitation, and release of Florida’s raptors.
A visit to Audubon's Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary is a journey into the heart of the Everglades ecosystem. Enjoy a stroll on the 2.25-mile boardwalk through a bald cypress forest!