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The 2020 Audubon Florida Birdathon Results Are In!

The 2020 Audubon Florida Birdathon Results Are In!

— 2,000+ checklists, more than 200 species counted.
Black Skimmer Chicks Need Our Help On The Beach

Black Skimmer Chicks Need Our Help On The Beach

— Each year from May through August, Black Skimmers return to their breeding grounds in Pinellas County to lay eggs and raise their chicks in large colonies. Similarly, people return to the beaches during these same months to enjoy the warm sun, cool off in the turquoise waters, and spend time with their own families.
Audubon's Coastal Program

Audubon's Coastal Program

— For more than a century, Audubon's wingspan has reached across the Gulf Coast.
After Deepwater Horizon

After Deepwater Horizon

— A decade of Audubon efforts to restore a resilient Gulf of Mexico.
Audubon Florida 2020 Earth Day Birdathon

Audubon Florida 2020 Earth Day Birdathon

— Birding together while staying at home.
Snowy Plovers Nest Once Again on Siesta Key

Snowy Plovers Nest Once Again on Siesta Key

— Bands tell a story for this returning female.
Climate Change Brings New Risks to Vulnerable Scrub-Jay Populations

Climate Change Brings New Risks to Vulnerable Scrub-Jay Populations

— With warming temperatures on the horizon, flooding and drought-related food challenges could pose severe, additional stress to an already declining statewide population.
Florida Scrub-Jays: 2019 By the Numbers

Florida Scrub-Jays: 2019 By the Numbers

— A summary from the Jay Watch season.
Florida’s Award Winning Parks Lead Jay Habitat Restoration

Florida’s Award Winning Parks Lead Jay Habitat Restoration

— Thanks to partners like Florida State Parks, who routinely commit to multi-year action plans, efforts to protect and grow Florida Scrub-Jays are showing terrific results.
Judge Rules Against Damaging Road Proposal In A Win For The Everglades

Judge Rules Against Damaging Road Proposal In A Win For The Everglades

— We asked you, our Audubon members, to write to the Army Corps of Engineers to convey your concerns about this project, and you did!