Audubon Florida News

Featured Stories

Protect Beach-nesting Birds from Fireworks this July Fourth Weekend
Coastal Conservation

Protect Beach-nesting Birds from Fireworks this July Fourth Weekend

Least Terns, Black Skimmers, Wilson’s Plovers, Snowy Plovers, and American Oystercatchers nest on Florida coasts.

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Recap: Audubon Florida's 2024 Legislative Update

Recap: Audubon Florida's 2024 Legislative Update

We celebrate the good bills that made it across the finish line, and the bad bills we stopped in their tracks. Read on for details and thank you for lending your voice to make these successes possible.

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News & Updates

Northeast Florida — New Islands, New Breeding Bird Successes
Coastal Conservation

Northeast Florida — New Islands, New Breeding Bird Successes

Birds successfully bred on the new island in Northeast Florida, helped by few storms, volunteer efforts, and prescient protections.

Fall Updates from Audubon's Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary

Fall Updates from Audubon's Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary

Ghost orchids, new amphitheater, donor dollars at work!

New Ambassador Barred Owl Joins the Audubon Center for Birds of Prey Flock
Chapters & Centers

New Ambassador Barred Owl Joins the Audubon Center for Birds of Prey Flock

We are excited to welcome a new, unique raptor to the Center for Birds of Prey.

Coastal Nesting Birds Made Hay During Quiet Early Hurricane Season, Fledging Chicks From Florida Beaches
Coastal Conservation

Coastal Nesting Birds Made Hay During Quiet Early Hurricane Season, Fledging Chicks From Florida Beaches

With a late start to the tropical storm season, no hurricanes, and the full force of our staff and volunteer steward protection efforts, birds across our beaches successfully fledged chicks.

Banded Bald Eagle Resighting Shows a Bird on the Move
Chapters & Centers

Banded Bald Eagle Resighting Shows a Bird on the Move

Since 2017, Audubon has banded and released more than 85 fledgling Bald Eagles as part of an ongoing banding study.

Long-term Partnerships Shepherd Successful Rooftop Nesting Season in Tampa Bay Region
Coastal Conservation

Long-term Partnerships Shepherd Successful Rooftop Nesting Season in Tampa Bay Region

Kara Cook, Audubon Florida Rooftop Biologist, reflects on the 2022 breeding season.

Florida Cabinet and Governor Approve 19,800+ Acres for Conservation

Florida Cabinet and Governor Approve 19,800+ Acres for Conservation

Projects will protect critical headwaters, working forests, and recreation areas.

Audubon Chapters Create New Homes for Purple Martins
Chapters & Centers

Audubon Chapters Create New Homes for Purple Martins

Purple Martin numbers are declining, but Audubon Chapters are stepping up to help!

How you can help, right now