Audubon Florida News

Featured Stories

Protect Beach-nesting Birds from Fireworks this July Fourth Weekend
Coastal Conservation

Protect Beach-nesting Birds from Fireworks this July Fourth Weekend

Least Terns, Black Skimmers, Wilson’s Plovers, Snowy Plovers, and American Oystercatchers nest on Florida coasts.

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Recap: Audubon Florida's 2024 Legislative Update

Recap: Audubon Florida's 2024 Legislative Update

We celebrate the good bills that made it across the finish line, and the bad bills we stopped in their tracks. Read on for details and thank you for lending your voice to make these successes possible.

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News & Updates

Working to Reduce Emissions for Birds and All Floridians

Working to Reduce Emissions for Birds and All Floridians

Establishing baselines provides critical information to local governments as they seek to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.

Successfully Dispose of Fishing Line - Save a Skimmer!
Coastal Conservation

Successfully Dispose of Fishing Line - Save a Skimmer!

by Kylie Wilson, Sarasota Seasonal Bird Stewardship Coordinator.

A Season in the Life of a Coastal Volunteer
Coastal Conservation

A Season in the Life of a Coastal Volunteer

We sit down with Ash Eggers to learn more about volunteering along the Gulf Coast.

In Late Summer, Look Out for Sea and Shorebird Fledglings
Coastal Conservation

In Late Summer, Look Out for Sea and Shorebird Fledglings

These juvenile birds may look almost like adults, but they still have growing to do.

Audubon Florida Awarded $5,000 Grant from the Community Foundation of Sarasota County to Support Brown Pelican Banding Study
Press Center

Audubon Florida Awarded $5,000 Grant from the Community Foundation of Sarasota County to Support Brown Pelican Banding Study

Hooking and entanglement in fishing gear injures hundreds of pelicans each year – a new study will help protect them.

Birds and Boats: A Season in the Life of a Coastal Biologist
Coastal Conservation

Birds and Boats: A Day in the Life of a Coastal Biologist

by Evan Daly, Audubon Florida Three Rooker Island Stewardship Coordinator.

Audubon Florida Celebrates Latino Conservation Week with Two New Events

Audubon Florida Celebrates Latino Conservation Week with Two New Events

July 19 and 21 at 6:00 p.m. on Zoom.

Pine Needle Artist Draws Inspiration from the Natural World

Pine Needle Artist Draws Inspiration from the Natural World

Florida artist Beth Ann Williams discusses her artistic practice, using pine needles she collects from her backyard.

How you can help, right now