Audubon Florida News

Featured Stories

Protect Beach-nesting Birds from Fireworks this July Fourth Weekend
Coastal Conservation

Protect Beach-nesting Birds from Fireworks this July Fourth Weekend

Least Terns, Black Skimmers, Wilson’s Plovers, Snowy Plovers, and American Oystercatchers nest on Florida coasts.

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Recap: Audubon Florida's 2024 Legislative Update

Recap: Audubon Florida's 2024 Legislative Update

We celebrate the good bills that made it across the finish line, and the bad bills we stopped in their tracks. Read on for details and thank you for lending your voice to make these successes possible.

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News & Updates

Audubon Florida’s Kelly Cox Named Everglades Coalition Co-chair
Press Center

Audubon Florida’s Kelly Cox Named Everglades Coalition Co-chair

The vote took place at the April quarterly meeting.

Keepers of the Blue

Keepers of the Blue

A documentary examining several different oceanic environments as well as those that work to protect them.

Record-breaking Spoonbill Photographed in Florida Bay: Bird Banding Reveals Oldest Spoonbill

Record-breaking Spoonbill Photographed in Florida Bay

New Roseate Spoonbill discovery shows they can live to more than 18 years old in the wild.

New Funding Coming for Everglades Restoration

New Funding Coming for Everglades Restoration

The White House announced the largest ever investment of federal funds for Everglades restoration in January, followed by another historic presidential budget request to Congress in March.

Florida Cabinet Approves more than 16,000 Acres in New Conservation Lands

Florida Cabinet Approves more than 16,000 Acres in New Conservation Lands

Big wins for birds, wildlife, and people.

Birding Near Nesting Seabirds and Shorebirds: Keeping Birds Safe
Coastal Conservation

Birding Near Nesting Seabirds and Shorebirds: Keeping Birds Safe

Not disturbing wildlife is key to ensuring areas near nest sites remain open to birders and the general public.

Nesting Season for Coastal Birds Has Begun!
Coastal Conservation

Nesting Season for Beach Birds Has Begun!

Sea and shorebirds flock to Florida's coastline in the spring and summer for breeding and nesting season.

Restoring Cape Sable is a Win for the Everglades

Restoring Cape Sable is a Win for the Everglades

The interior wetlands of Cape Sable are among the most ecologically productive environments left in Florida.

Raptors Tell Us That Everglades Restoration is Working

Raptors Tell Us That Everglades Restoration is Working

Healthy land and water resources support people, too.

How you can help, right now