Audubon Florida News

Featured Stories

Protect Beach-nesting Birds from Fireworks this July Fourth Weekend
Coastal Conservation

Protect Beach-nesting Birds from Fireworks this July Fourth Weekend

Least Terns, Black Skimmers, Wilson’s Plovers, Snowy Plovers, and American Oystercatchers nest on Florida coasts.

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Recap: Audubon Florida's 2024 Legislative Update

Recap: Audubon Florida's 2024 Legislative Update

We celebrate the good bills that made it across the finish line, and the bad bills we stopped in their tracks. Read on for details and thank you for lending your voice to make these successes possible.

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News & Updates

Protecting Water Quality: Good for Beer and Birds

Protecting Water Quality: Good for Beer and Birds

In recognition of Roseate Spoonbills, natural climate solutions, and the importance of water, Ankrolab Brewing Company will release a new craft beer called Spoonbill Ale.

Brewing Company Spreads the Word about an Endemic Florida Species

Brewing Company Spreads the Word about an Endemic Florida Species

Playalinda Brewing Co, located in Titusville FL, crafts high quality beer with a Florida Scrub-Jay twist.

Audubon Florida Launches Advocacy Effort Against Urban Sprawl that Threatens the Everglades

Audubon Florida Launches Advocacy Effort Against Urban Sprawl that Threatens the Everglades

A new development would require an expansion of the Urban Development Boundary (UDB) – a legal line that limits the extent of westward development permitted in Miami-Dade County toward the Everglades.

Bird Bands and Satellite Trackers Unlock Secret Lives of Florida’s Birds
Coastal Conservation

Bird Bands and Satellite Trackers Unlock Secret Lives of Florida’s Birds

Using bands and satellite trackers, Audubon scientists are unraveling the mysteries of some of Florida’s most iconic species. We are already using this new information to advocate for the conservation and protection of the places they need most.

Audubon Florida Releases 2020-2021 EagleWatch Report
Audubon Center For Birds Of Prey

Audubon Florida Releases 2020-2021 EagleWatch Report

Annual publication details Bald Eagle nesting and conservation efforts in Florida.

Banded Terns Move Across Florida During Fall Migration
Coastal Conservation

Banded Terns Move Across Florida During Fall Migration

Banded terns teach us about survival, side fidelity, and so much more.

A Season in the Life of a Bird Biologist: Rochelle Streker Boats to Barrier Islands
Coastal Conservation

A Season in the Life of a Bird Biologist: Rochelle Streker Boats to Barrier Islands

by Rochelle Streker, Audubon's Southwest Florida Shorebird Manager.

Banded Brown Pelican Moves from Alabama to Florida
Coastal Conservation

Banded Pelican Moves from Louisiana to Florida

Banded in 2018, Audubon staff re-sighted the pelican on Egmont Key in May of 2021.

Serving on Technical Committees Helps Audubon Influence Water Conservation in Florida

Serving on Technical Committees Helps Audubon Influence Water Conservation in Florida

“Water quality is not only important to our wildlife, but to our way of life.” -- Chris Farrell, Northeast Florida Policy Associate

How you can help, right now