Registration is now CLOSED for the Audubon Assembly, November 7-9 at the Hilton Daytona Beach Oceanfront Resort. Click here to download the event program.
If the Hilton Daytona Beach Oceanfront Resort is sold out, please consider a nearby hotel. Close options include:
Hilton Garden Inn (10 min drive)
Hampton Inn (3 min drive)
125 Years of Audubon in Florida: Legacy and Leadership
With learning sessions, a keynote presentation, awards, and field trips to some of the birdiest hotspots in the region, Assembly is a great opportunity to network with Audubon members, staff, and volunteers across the state.
Learning Sessions
Three concurrent learning sessions will repeat on Friday afternoon. Assembly participants can choose two of the following (detailed descriptions will be provided in the Assembly program):
- Building Conservation Momentum through Community Building
- Addressing Local Flooding with Local Solutions: An Advocate's How-to
- Re-envisioning Coastal Recovery in a Time of More Frequent Storms
Find the full session descriptions here.
Join Us for a Very Special Keynote
We have so much to share this year that we’ve split our traditional keynote slot into three riveting discussions of Audubon in Florida across 125 years, our unique place in the Sunshine State’s conservation history, and our role in the future of conservation in the Western Hemisphere.
Paul Gray, PhD, Everglades science coordinator, will give the first talk during our welcome lunch hour. From the plume trade to the senseless slaughter of birds before the advent of the Christmas Bird Count, Dr. Gray will trace the origins of Audubon and the modern conservation movement.
During the Friday evening dinner event, Julie Wraithmell, executive director, will emcee a retrospective of Audubon accomplishments in Florida.
Finally, on Saturday morning, National Audubon Society Chief Conservation Officer Marshall Johnson will share Audubon's ambitious Flight Plan hemispheric vision, with an engaging morning celebrating how Florida is leading the way in its implementation at the state and chapter levels!
Field Trips Galore
You won't want to miss this year's suite of exciting field trips, ranging from a boat-based birding tour of the Indian River Lagoon, ramble for shorebirds and migrants at Lighthouse Point Park, and urban wildlife viewing at Ormond Beach's Central Park and Environmental Discovery Center.
Added bonus! West Volusia Audubon Society will host a special open house at Florida Scrub-Jay mecca, Lyonia Preserve, for early arrivers on Thursday afternoon.
Our Generous Sponsors