Florida artist Beth Ann Williams discusses her artistic practice, using pine needles she collects from her backyard.
Thank you to the volunteers and staff who made it happen.
There are multiple opportunities to weigh in — stay up-to-date by following Audubon’s Advocate newsletter: fl.audubon.org/keep-touch
Celebration of a successful monitoring season!
Thank you to those who acted in defense of this vulnerable species. With the continued advocacy of Vince and his fellow Brevard County Jay Watchers, we are hopeful the sanctuary’s restoration will begin this year.
The community science program monitors endemic Florida Scrub-Jay populations across 46 Florida sites.
Audubon selected Reed Bowman to receive the Guy Bradley Award for his committed stewardship in the face of threats to birds and their habitats, as well as his relentless commitment to conserving Florida’s wildlife.
Annual awards feature Florida's leading conservationists.