Audubon Staff

Articles by Audubon Staff

Audubon Chapters Create New Homes for Purple Martins
Chapters & Centers

Audubon Chapters Create New Homes for Purple Martins

— Purple Martin numbers are declining, but Audubon Chapters are stepping up to help!
Banded Bald Eagle Spotted at Citrus County Landfill
Chapters & Centers

Banded Bald Eagle Spotted at Citrus County Landfill

— Long-term, cooperative study enables tracking of birds through colored leg bands.
New Mapping Tool to Safeguard Beach-nesting Birds
Coastal Conservation

New Mapping Tool to Safeguard Beach-nesting Birds

— If developers cause impacts, they will have to pay. ShoreMapper will estimate not only the severity of each of these impacts but also the importance of the breeding site.