EagleWatch Volunteers Advocate for Eagles Across the State

Volunteers worked with local, state, and federal governments to safeguard nests in their communities.

Bald Eagles often use cell phone towers as nesting sites. Photo: P. L. Carrillo.

The Voice of Conservation in Florida

For more than a century Audubon has encouraged people to take care of the places that make Florida special. Using science to guide our priorities and birdlife to measure ecosystem health, Audubon advocates for the protection of land, water, and wildlife. Audubon is Florida’s most influential conservation organization and conducts extensive work to protect the Everglades and coastal bird habitats. We manage sanctuaries covering thousands of acres along with two popular nature centers. Audubon promotes stewardship and appreciation of public land and water so people experience and cherish Florida’s natural beauty and wildlife.


Audubon Florida Birdathon is April 8 - 14, 2022
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Audubon Florida Birdathon is April 8 - 14, 2022

Help raise funds to protect birds and the places they need while participating in one of America's favorite pastimes.

Improved Outlook Anticipated for the Florida Grasshopper Sparrow

Improved Outlook Anticipated for the Florida Grasshopper Sparrow

This endemic sparrow spends it entire life in the dry prairies of Central Florida.

Snail Kite Monitoring Key to a Resilient Future

Snail Kite Monitoring Key to a Resilient Future

By J. Scott Angle, jangle@ufl.edu

Meet Lisa von Borowski, Early Audubon Conservationist
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Meet Lisa von Borowski, Early Audubon Conservationist

German emigrant used her personal finances to help preserve Ahhochee Hill. Now it is an Audubon Sanctuary.

Audubon’s Florida Scrub-Jay Program Enters 20th Year
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Audubon’s Florida Scrub-Jay Program Enters 20th Year

The community science program monitors endemic Florida Scrub-Jay populations across 46 Florida sites.

Limiting the Negative Impacts of Nonnative Wildlife Requires a Concerted Effort

Limiting the Negative Impacts of Nonnative Wildlife Requires a Concerted Effort

Nonnative wildlife can negatively impact Floridians and our environment.

Audubon Florida Celebrates 122 Years in Conservation
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Audubon Florida Celebrates 122 Years in Conservation

The groundswell of support for the birds of Florida and the Everglades went on to give rise to the National Audubon Society.

Biologists Rescue Injured Roseate Spoonbill in Florida Bay

Biologists Rescue Injured Roseate Spoonbill in Florida Bay

The young bird likely fell out of its nest.

Protecting the St. Lucie Estuary with C-23/24 Stormwater Treatment Area

Protecting the St. Lucie Estuary with C-23/24 Stormwater Treatment Area

Friday marked another win for St. Lucie Estuary protection with a groundbreaking event for the C-23/24 Stormwater Treatment Area (STA).

Wandering Spoonbills Tell Us What We Need to Protect the Everglades

Wandering Spoonbills Tell Us What We Need to Protect the Everglades

Jerry Lorenz of Audubon Florida tracked this species to shed light on how the iconic "River of Grass" is changing, for better or worse